Settings reference

Currently there are three settings the marketplace admin can change:

  • global_product_catalog - toggle whether sellers can only add inventory to admin-managed global products,
  • require_product_approval - decide whether seller-added products require admin approval before becoming ready to list,
  • product_request_enabled - allow sellers to propose new products for inclusion in the catalog.

All settings are false by default.

Example Scenarios

  1. Global Catalog ON, Require Admin Approval ON, Sellers Can Request Products ON:
    • Sellers can list inventory for global products.
    • Sellers can request new global/unique products.
    • All inventory and product additions require admin approval.
  2. Global Catalog OFF, Require Admin Approval OFF:
    • Sellers freely add products without needing admin approval.
    • Admin does not need to manage requests or approve listings.
  3. Hybrid Mode (Global Catalog ON, Sellers Can Request Products OFF):
    • Sellers can list inventory for global products.
    • Sellers cannot request new global/unique products.

Verification middleware

The middleware checkConfigurationRule is used to restrict route availability according to the setting value, and can be found in apps/backend/src/shared/infra/http/middlewares/check-configuration-rule.ts. It takes two arguments, rule_type and expected_value. Advanced users can use it to modify the default Mercur behaviour.