Seller requests

Seller requests is a solution for sellers to create entity proposals. Each request needs to be reviewed by marketplace admin before it goes live.

Request types

  • product - create a new product. Admin can later set this product as a global product, or seller-specific.
  • product_collection - create a new product collection.
  • product_category - create a new product category.
  • review_remove - ask to remove the unfair review from customer.


  1. Seller creates a request by specifying proposed entity payload. His request is saved in the database with pending status.
  2. Marketplace administrator has a list of all requests. They can be filtered by their type or status. After reviewing the request payload, he has to make a decision if the request should be approved or rejected.
  3. If the administrator rejects the request, the entry changes status to rejected. Admin can also provide a note for the request submitter explaining his decision. Seller can be notified via email about the status change.
  4. If the administrator approves the request, the entry changes status to approved, and appropiate resource will be created using payload provided by the submitter. Seller can be notified via email about the status change.


  1. Seller wants to create a request for new product_category. He performs following request:
POST /api/vendor/requests
   "request": {
      "type": "product_category",
      "data": {
         "name": "Smartwatches",
         "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
         "parent_category_id": null

A following response is returned by server:

   "id": "req_xxxx",
   "type": "product_category",
   "data": {
      "name": "Smartwatches",
      "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
      "parent_category_id": null
   "submitter_id": "xyz",
   "reviewer_id": null,
   "reviewer_note": null,
   "status": "pending"
  1. Administrator lists pending requests by performing request:
GET /api/admin/requests?status=pending
  1. Administrator wants to accept the request, so performs update request with accepted status.
POST /api/admin/requests/req_xxxx
   "status": "accepted",
   "reviewer_note": "LGTM"
  1. The product category is created, and admin gets a following response from the server:
200 OK
   "id": "req_xxxx",
   "status": "accepted",
   "createdResourceType": "product_category",
   "createdResource": {
      "id": "pcat_yyyy",
  1. If notifications are set up, Seller can be sent a message about the status update.

Seller registration request

If the seller wants to sign up for the platform, he has to create a registration request. The flow is very similar to other types of requests.


  1. User creates a seller sign up request.
  2. Marketplace administrator has a list of all requests. They can be filtered by their type or status. After reviewing the request payload, he has to make a decision if the request should be approved or rejected.
  3. If the administrator rejects the sign up request, the entry changes status to rejected. Admin can also provide a note for the request submitter explaining his decision. Submitter can be notified via email about the status change.
  4. If the administrator approves the sign up request, the entry changes status to approved, and seller is created. Submitter can be notified via email about the status change.

Order return requests

Marketplace customers, who want to return the order, partially or as a whole, can create OrderReturnRequest. Inside this object the customer provides array of the tuples line_item_id and quantity, as well as the customer_note (return reason).


  1. Customer creates order return request, the status is pending
  2. Seller reviews the return request. The review can have one of the following outcomes: refunded, withdrawn or escalated.
  3. If the seller accepts the return, sets the status to refunded, and proceeds with the return and refund.
  4. If the request does not meet the return criteria, seller sets the status to withdrawn, and provides the reason.
  5. If the seller disagrees with the return reason, sets the status to escalated.
  6. Requests with the escalated status are reviewed by the marketplace admin who makes the final decision. The decision can be either refunded or canceled. Admin can also provide the reason behind his decision.