Core Concepts
Product/seller reviews
Product reviews
Each customer is able to create a review about the product. The review object consists of integer rating value (1-5) and optional text comment (up to 300 characters). The average rating can be calculated in order to display on the product page. The customer can also list all the reviews he created.
Example - Customer creates product review
Example - List reviews
Seller reviews
Similarly to product reviews, customer can also create a review on the sellers. This type of review also includes integer rating value and comment.
Seller can respond to the review, or escalate to marketplace administrator, if he thinks that the review is against the rules or unfair.
Example - Customer creates seller review
Example - Seller responds to the review
Escalating reviews
Seller can request to delete the review using requests
. After submitting the request the marketplace administrator makes the decision to delete the review or not.